Friday, January 03, 2014


I've set myself a little task: I am going to try to abstain from alcohol for the whole of January - I know, I'm one of ten million desperate winos who are trying to not drink for the first month of the year, how cliche! But I haven't not drunk for a period of time, for at least 6-7 years, and feel that I should challenge myself. I guess, I have a lot of time on my hands.

I'm three days in and was going strong, until I was given a bottle of wine at work today and now I've painted two walls in my room and I'm desperate for a large glass of full bodied, earthy, ashy, thicker than thick red wine to reward myself with, I want one so so badly!

And I've also been invited to a 30th birthday party on the 18th - this is going to be much harder than I initially contemplated...bugger!

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